All excitement for your wedding day can disappear in a second when your monthly periods decide to show up around the same time. The panic that sets in when you think about your white dress being stained by blood, the stomach cramps and multiple visits to the washrooms turns out to be a terrible fear.
However, if your period is handled properly, it doesn’t have to ruin your long awaited day. Jessica (not real names) had been afraid that her periods would show up during her wedding. She prayed and hoped that they would take longer, however, on the eve of her wedding, her worst fears came to pass.
“I had to wear a sanitary towel and enforce my undergarments with leggings to avoid any embarrassments. One very important thing was letting my matron know so we had back up sanitary towels in her purse.” Jessica reveals. She also told the groom, as her period would affect their wedding night intimacy plans.
Jessica says immediately after taking pictures, she changed a sanitary towel. She changed again when she went to put on her changing dress.
The following are suggestions recommended to handle your periods on your wedding day;
Utilize a period tracker
It is important to have a period track list so that you can tell beforehand your cycle and do the necessarily preparation.
And for those who may not have a regular cycle aspects such as cramps, acne, fatigue, headaches, backaches can be some symptoms someone can look at to predict it. In such cases, carry some symptom relievers.
Inform your Maid of Honor
Unlike the maids, the matron usually carries a clutch bag which can store a few sanitary items for the bride. Having your period is a secret you should not keep from your matron because she can easily assist you in carrying the necessities such as the extra panties, pads, medication and also escort you to the washrooms to help you dress up from time to time during the ceremony.
Ensure you pack the necessities
Any bride should have a bridal kit. Among items in your kit, ensure you pack necessities such as extra pads, tampons, panties, bikers. And for those who experience painful cramps packing pain killers and water to take it through the day can save the situation.
Reinforcing your undergarment
Our usual panties may have thin length that can easily have a leakage thus staining the dress. It is therefore recommended that you wear bikers or leggings on top of the panties that can hold the pad in place and prevent a pass through.
Have an alternative to sanitary towels that doesn’t need changing
According to Flo health blog by a medical consultant Anna Targonskaya, investing in a menstrual cup rather than a pad or tampon that needs changing every few hours can help this situation.
Dr Targonskaya describes a menstrual cup as a reusable period product that collects blood instead of absorbing it and can be used for up to 12 hours without emptying.
She explains that you insert the cup before putting on your wedding dress and then it can be taken off at the end of the day.
But it is advised by Dr Targonskaya to start praticising using the cup a few months before the big day so that you are acquainted with using it.
Inform your groom of the situation
It is crucial to let your husband-to-be aware of the situation so that he is prepared on what to expect because a wedding night is that time when couples are anxious to consummate their marriage.
It is important that menstruation is handled well to avoid embarrassing consequences. Imagine you find your beautiful gown is stained on you wedding day. What would you do to clean up the mess?
Happy World Menstrual Hygiene Day