Mercy Lunkuse and I (John Bosco Sekiranda) have been together for almost 7 years now, although our love story started back in high school. I think she was in S2. I was a day scholar, while she was a boarding student. I was coming from a very poor family, my parents couldn’t afford to give me pocket money to buy food during lunchtime. I was so sharp though… I’d carry fruits; mangoes and avocados to school because they were in plenty at home.
During lunchtime, Mercy would sell food to day scholars. She was business savvy, you know. I knew I couldn’t afford her food.
I approached her with a proposal for her to give me posho in exchange for my avocados. I told her that all I needed was something to eat at school. She was quick to buy the idea. That’s how we became friends.
Unfortunately for me, after S2, her parents moved her to another school. I had no phone contact, or even phone to reach her. So, we lost touch.
In 2009, when she was in university, a friend of mine chanced upon her. He asked her if we were still in touch, and she told him we had completely lost touch. She, however, was quick to tell him that she really wanted us to reconnect. That friend of mine got her contact and also shared mine with her. We linked up once again.
When we met again she was so proud to see that my life had completely turned around. We joked about all the hustle I had gone through back in school. Our friendship resumed.
After her completing school, she agreed to become my girlfriend, and the rest is history.
Bosco and Mercy got married on 5th February, 2021
Pre-wedding shoot
