By Edgar R Batte
On June 30, 2013 Bryan Nitusiima bought clothes and shoes for Prossy. It was Pastor Isaac Kiwewesi wedding anniversary and Nitusiima planned to propose to his girlfriend.
After service she went back home.
The person Nitusiima had contacted to keep her around until the proposal time failed at his task.
So he needed a Plan B. In a fit of panic, he asked the church’s administrator, with whom she worked closely, to seek her help with the pastor’s anniversary luncheon.
She returned but in more casual clothes.
Nitusiima was uncomfortable about how their photographs would turn out.
Nitusiima went on to tell his love story.
“I have been to South Africa, Rwanda, Israel, Ethiopia and I have lived in Uganda where all the women are beautiful and intelligent. However, there was a beauty and intelligence I was looking for that I found in this girl,” he narrated as he moved through the auditorium. He then stopped in front of Prossy, who was seated in a corner, went on his knees and asked for her hand in marriage.
“She was trembling so she hid in my jacket. She said yes and 10 months later, I put a ring on it at Kansanga Miracle Centre,” he recollects.
“I will never forget that day. It was and is the happiest day of my life! I did not expect that he would propose to me not because I was not confident of his love, but it came as a surprise,” she says.
He is a deacon and music director of Kansanga Miracle Centre as well as a show host on Rest Television and on Bob FM.
She is one of the administrators in the church. The couple have a daughter and two sons.
Initial meeting
“The first time I met my husband was during my Senior Six vacation. I had seen him several times ministering in church and I felt like ‘this guy has an amazing voice’. I actually fell in love with his voice before I fell in love with him,” she recalls.
She joined the church ministry because a friend had asked her. She met Nitusiima and he told her about the rehearsal programme.
She showed up on time the next day.
“The moment I saw him, I thought to myself this is my ‘future husband’,” she reveals.
They became friends, the kind who cared for each other. Click to read more